Days like today are rare when you bird inland. Fortunatly I dont bird inland very often out of choice now but it was brilliant today. Starting at a secret location in East Yorkshire I had a wonderful songflighting Woodlark overhead but no Lesser Spotted Woodpecker. After this I moved onto Allerthorpe Common to check the tins out for Adders, when a largish finch flying across went chip and I got some distant views of a Crossbill. As I pottered about this became a minimum of 18 birds and more likely in the mid 20's. I got a couple of record shots of a male coming down to drink.

There were no Adders out and about that I managed to connect with despite the mild weather but other good birds abounded with Yellowhammer and Skylark singing on the Common, at least 2 Green Woodpeckers, 4 Great Spots and up to 10 Jays screaming at each other. The common was alive with bird song and it really felt like spring.
Next stop was Black Dyke Ings at Barmby Moor. This was my first visit and I wasn't really sure what to expect. It looks to be a place of great potential with lots of Pied Wagtails and a number of Meadow Pipits abounding. Feeding amongst them was a single Corn Bunting - a year tick. No waders yet save for a few distant Lapwing but I can see why this place holds appeal. I shall visit again.
Last stop of the day was Millington Pastures which was least successful with only a single Red Kite and one each of Willow & Marsh Tit (again - its the only place ive been to where I have seen both). Hardly a washout. It started to cloud up so I headed home.

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