Sunday, 24 February 2008

Cup final and a lucky stoat

I dont mean to be crass but i really fucking love Spurs. Today is the first time in 8 years we are in a cup final. We haven't won a thing in 9 years. Today i will be mostly not going to see the putative Thayer's Gull on my local patch (much neglected) but sitting in a pub cheering on my boys. Come On You Spurs! Went out in Hull last night and had a mighty hang over so decided not to go and see the Tundra Bean Goose at East Park. That can wait until Monday. As can the gull roost. On driving back a Stoat legged it under my wheels and must have had a rabbits foot on its (or in its) person as it came out the back unscathed and got back to the kerb. Phew. Massive black tip to its tail and a very pale individual. Got obs a 60 mph me thinks.

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